To get help with funds towards college and a device

To get funds towards college and a device.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$60,000.00 Goal
, Jamaica

Please help Venessa attain her academical goal

Venessa is seeking your kind assistance in funding her tuition of $30,552 USD.

$200.00 Raised 0.65%
$30,552.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica


Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, also known as Pseudotumor Cerebri, is a neurological disorder related to high pressures in the fluid around the brain and spinal cord. This fluid is called Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). If there is a buildup of CSF (caused by an overproduction or not enough being re-absorbed) this results in elevated pressures within the skull. Ultimately causing symptoms similar to a brain tumor. Papilledema is a condition in which increased pressure in or around the brain causes the part of the optic nerve inside the eye to swell. If left untreated it can lead to visual disturbances and blindness.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$70,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

I need help for medical care.

I just want to find help for my disease, because I suffer a lot and my two daughters also suffer because of me their mother.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$913.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Haiti

New Era Daycare in need of Building Funds

New Era Daycare and Sanctuary is a preschool and daycare facility in Clark’s Town, Trelawny, which caters for children between the ages of 0-6 years. We are in the building process and we need some help in completing this. Our building now needs the following; Roofing inside, painting, fencing, flooring etc. Our estimate is 1,500,000.00 JMD. We would be grateful for your help in assisting us in raising this amount or any significant part thereof. Thank you.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$10,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

Peruzor Reading Program

This is an Artificial Intelligence Reading Assessment and Intervention program. The tests identifies Reading levels and then an intervention is created based on the needs.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$20,000.00 Goal
, Jamaica