Hard Working Single Mother Who Fell On Hard Times!

"I've always been the person others could count on for help, and I've found immense joy in offering my support. However, today, I find myself in a challenging situation where I need help myself. The constant uncertainty has left me apprehensive even to answer phone calls, as every day brings a new challenge that feels insurmountable. Your support would mean the world to me in this difficult time. Until the end of last year, everything seemed to be going according to plan. I was working my 9-5 job, managing partner plans, and even operating a pay day loan business on the side. However, that's when it all unraveled. I was faced with the terrifying prospect of losing my home, and in a desperate attempt to keep it, I borrowed multiple…

$0.00 Raised 0%
$8,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

Help To Save a Life

Tevin, an aspiring entrepreneur has faced a harrowing ordeal that has left him in critical condition and facing unimaginable challenges. Tevin's story is a stark reminder of how trust can be exploited, and the consequences of such betrayal can be devastating. He fell victim to a deception that not only cost him his hard-earned savings but also put his life in grave danger. He was subjected to violence and left with life-threatening injuries that have shaken him physically, emotionally, and financially. Tevin's resilience and strength have been truly inspiring as he continues to fight for his life and well-being. Your support can be a beacon of hope for Tevin, showing him that he is not alone in this journey to reclaim his life. We invite you to join us in…

$1.00 Raised 0.01%
$20,000.00 Goal
, Jamaica

🌟Help Save Omarion’s Life: Transforming an Infantile Leukemia Battle into Victory🌟

At the tender age of 8 months, our precious son, Omarion, was confronted with a battle that no child or parent should ever face – infantile leukemia. Our world turned upside down as we embarked on a journey of treatments, courage, and unwavering love. Here's where we stand today: bone marrow transplants are not accessible in Jamaica or the broader English-speaking Caribbean. Our hearts ache as we realize that the life-saving treatment Omarion desperately needs is beyond our reach in our homeland. The cost of an overseas bone marrow transplant, including medical expenses, travel, accommodation, and aftercare, is a monumental burden for our family to bear alone. This is why we are reaching out to our extended network, to friends of friends, to compassionate individuals who believe in the power…

$420.00 Raised 0.53%
$80,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

Youth Ministries of Rollington Town SDA Multi Purpose Court

The Youth Ministries Department of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Rollington Town seeks your help in completing their Multipurpose Court!

$388.00 Raised 1.94%
$20,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

🎓 Back-to-School Support Fundraiser 🎒

I am reaching out to our wonderful community with a heartfelt request for assistance as the back-to-school season swiftly approaches. As a young mother of three beautiful children, I am dedicated to ensuring their education remains a top priority. However, the financial challenges I face have made this endeavor quite difficult. I am humbly asking for your assistance in acquiring school supplies, uniforms, and groceries for my children. These are not just material items – they are the building blocks of a solid education and a brighter future for my kids. Your generosity will alleviate the financial strain and allow me to create an environment where my children can learn and grow without the worry of lacking basic necessities. Your contribution, regardless of size, will directly impact my children's education.…

$0.00 Raised 0%
$1,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Saint Lucia

Equipment assistant for a single mom trying to make ends meet

I create bath, body and hair products I am trying to gain traction on the market but to do this I need to be able to meet a supply need. At the moment making organic oils takes the entire day into late night and when I am finish there is barely a flask of oil from all the hard work and dedication. I use these oils to create organic products for hair and body, the ability to be able to create in bulk would make the process easier and also allow me to assist others while suppling and wider variety of persons with products and knowledge. It is my intention to introduce more persons to wholesome organic products, to reduce the use of toxic, unhealthy products and have persons falling…

$30.00 Raised 1.20%
$2,500.00 Goal
0 Days to Go