My new leg

Hello everyone my name is Junior John aka Chef John Recently I got into an accident which caused me to unfortunately loose most of my left leg. I was still in my prime of being not only a personal chef but also having my own business however I am now at home and am in dire need of assistance to help me get back to what I love and to stand on my own once again. I would like to have aid in fitting and purchasing a prosthesis any help would be muchly appreciated

$0.00 Raised 0%
$10,000.00 Goal
113 Days to Go
, Barbados

High School Teacher Needs Your Help to Overcome Health Setbacks

Adriana Guthrie, a dedicated high school teacher facing significant mental health challenges, is seeking support to fund essential therapy and medical treatments to recover and return to her passion for teaching. Your contributions will help her regain stability and continue making a positive impact on her students' lives.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$34,000.00 Goal
, Jamaica

Revolutionizing Sustainable Agriculture in Trinidad and Tobago

Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae are an excellent feed supplement for pigs, goats, sheep, poultry, and fish due to their high protein content and rich nutrient profile. These larvae provide essential amino acids and fats, which help promote healthy growth, improve immunity, and enhance the overall health of animals. Additionally, BSF larvae are a sustainable and eco-friendly option, as they are raised on organic waste, reducing environmental impact. In addition to being a nutritious feed supplement, BSF frass, the byproduct of BSF larvae production, is a highly effective organic fertilizer. Frass is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as beneficial microorganisms that improve soil health and fertility, promoting healthier plant growth and better yields. Overall, BSF larvae and frass offer a sustainable solution for animal feed and organic…

$0.00 Raised 0%
$350,000.00 Goal
113 Days to Go
, Trinidad and Tobago

First Dance Studios PUNTA CANA – Yamilet Pena Classics Gymnastics Funding 2024

First Dance Studios PUNTA CANA – Yamilet Pena Classics Gymnastics Competition Journey 2024

$270.00 Raised 0.90%
$30,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

Help This Visual Artist With His Dream

I’m Demoy Freckleton, a multi-award-winning visual artist seeking to raise $40,000 through crowdfunding to purchase essential equipment for transforming my passion into a thriving art business. Your support will help me create, innovate, and give back to the community through workshops and collaborations.

$110.00 Raised 0.28%
$40,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

ShawnCreated: Empowering Jamaican Youths Through Tech

Rushawn Campbell, a computer science student in Jamaica, is fundraising for his startup ShawnCreated. ShawnCreated aims to empower young Jamaican entrepreneurs by providing affordable web and mobile app development, inspiring them to pursue legitimate business goals. Funds will be used for marketing, laptops, and a co-working space to foster a supportive community and steer youth away from malpractices.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$20,000.00 Goal
460 Days to Go
, Jamaica