Short Story

Thank you for taking the time to view my campaign! And thank you for being kind!

Monetary assistance

by Dominique Timothy

  • $1,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $80.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
, Trinidad and Tobago

Dominique Timothy

720 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Hello all, firstly, thank you for being kind to veiw my campaign. My name is Dominique Timothy, I’m 22 years old and my story is a bit long. Short version being, in the last month of 2021, my mother had a stroke, which was shocking enough as you would assume. Things have not been easy since then, at the time, I was still working a decent job with a decent pay. Come April of 2022, I lost my job, leaving me with no way to pay bills or support my family on my own. It’s been hard, trying to find a job since, while no one is actively looking for employees, or they consider me and don’t follow up. Things has been increasingly difficult. I’m not an only child of course, with an older brother who lives with us, who’s also on the hunt for a job but stuck in the same situation. Bills are piling up, the little groceries we do have are wavering. I made this campaign to raise money to help my family with bills and groceries. I would say that we don’t need much, just enough to get up by until better can be done. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, and I thank you again, for supporting my cause.

Name Donate Amount Date
Anonymous $44.13 February 09, 2023
Anonymous $44.13 February 09, 2023


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