Short Story
I just want to find help for my disease, because I suffer a lot and my two daughters also suffer because of me their mother.
I need help for medical care.
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Since May 08, 2022 I had a stroke, my daughter took me to the hospital, the Doctor has already done a CT scan for me but it’s not enough I have to do an MRI so that the Doctor can continue with his diagnostic but unfortunately in Haiti the MRI only gives two sequences and I suffer every day, the right half of my body is anesthetized, numb, I have a heat that does not let go of me in my right hemibody I don’t can’t tell hot from cold, I hardly sleep at night with heat in my right hemibody, there is a hospital in the United States that wants to take care of my case help me find medical help , if I don’t improve I could relapse and won’t have the chance to survive, please help me.
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