Help Vanessa Build a Home for Her Family of 6
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We are seeking your assistance to build a house for a family of 6 including a mother and 5 children ages 8 months to 15 years based in Montego Bay, St James. The mother, Vanessa* works as an Assistant Dressmaker. Though thankful for her job, her earnings are only enough to take care of groceries and send her children to school who are each dependents of the government’s Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH) which provides children with lunch at school. All 6 family members live in a one bedroom board house with a hall that was converted into a room and kitchen. There are no bathrooms and therefore the family uses the neighbour’s bathroom. The house is unstable for living as parts of the flooring are rotten with dangerous holes. The ply used to build the original structure is infested with termites which leads to heavy roof-leaking during rainfall. As the children get older and require space, especially the girls, the mother has tried to cover the repairs on her own but cannot afford it. She is left with few options to provide for and protect her children, as such she is seeking the assistance of anyone who is willing to help cover her expenses. Your financial contribution or otherwise be it building materials, furniture, upholstery, or clothing is greatly appreciated. For further inquiries you can contact Vanessa at *The name has been changed to protect the identity of the recipient.
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