Short Story

Khadejah is going to need Arthroscopic knee surgeries, rehabilitation, home necessities, and care. The overwhelming costs of care and adjustments to make her home suitable for her needs and movements have left herself and her family with a massive financial obstacle. This is where we need your help – every amount adds up and will help to give Khadejah a new start. In July she was also diagnosed with Hypothyroidism which has made her gain weight, irregular heartbeat, hair loss, and other major complications in which also need treatments.

Broken Spirits-Khadejah Smith’s story

by khadejah

  • $8,000.00

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  • $0.00

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, Jamaica


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On Monday the 9th of July 2018, on a normal day, for work Khadejah’s whole life changed in a split second when she suffered a dislocation in her right knee. The following days khadejah was not able to walk, alongside facing severe pain and swelling to the knee. With a trip to the clinic, various x-rays and MRI scans showed that her bone rested narrow, traces of fluid, and a Horizontal tear of the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus. Which is the cartilage between the knee joints. Trying to cover other medical bills, Khadejah had to work with the use of a knee brace and crutches, but sadly over the years condition worsened, resulting in her losing her job. 

The new result shows that not only does she have a meniscus tear, but also sustains damage to her Patellofemoral ligament. Which is the muscle that holds her knee cap in place. With this, the knee cap rest on the side of the knee which leads to Arthritis of the knee cap and complete separation of the ligament holding the knee cap. The diagnosis was Patellar Subluxation. Pain management has become difficult due to her chronic urticaria she is unable to consume most anti-inflammatory medication. 



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