Short Story

The St. Francois Girls’ College (SFGC) was recently vandalized and are in need of support from the Alumnae. ย We are seeking to raise at least $10,000USD to assist with replacing and repairing the school’s infrastructure.


St. Francois Girls North America Alumna

by hmclean

  • $20,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Goal and Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
, Trinidad and Tobago


708 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

We are raising funds to support our beloved high school – St. Francois Girls’ College. ย The school was affected by two break ins within one month and is in need of upgrades and repair. ย Below is a note from the current principal:

At this time a number of projects of have been identified for enhancing the infrastructure of the school thereby making it more conducive to teaching and learning.

These include painting all 16 classrooms in Block B, the outer walls along Block B, the toilets, the stair cases in Block B at a cost of roughly $12,000.00. Wall at the back Music Rm at a cost of $20,000.00 to protect pans stored there and to add another layer of security to those rooms (PE & Music)

AC Units servicing, repairs and 3 units to replace at a cost of $40,450.00.

Roof on F&N around $10,000.00.

Building of Stage $20,000.00

Fixing tiles in Hall โ€“ to be done

Toilets $2000.00

Changing of lights in Hall – $2500.00

Maintenance of grounds men equipment – $5000.00

Arch above main gate โ€“ looking at it since last year but no estimate as yet, it is a tedious undertaking

Miscellaneous (Broken doors, ย windows etc.) – $5000.00

Metal cages around projectors in prefab โ€“ 4 in total โ€“ $3000.00

Changing of locks on twenty rooms (security reasons) -$4000.00

These are just some of the maintenance work that must be done on the compound before school reopens. Funding at this time unknown

I am pleading for assistance from the Alumnae.


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