Canyouth’s Foundation Inc. Public Charity for Jamaica’s and Florida’s Inner-City Youths

The Canyouth’s Foundation Inc. is a Non-Profit Organization that was registered in the state of Florida to support inner-city youths in Florida and Jamaica through charitable deliveries. The foundation was established to address some of the psychosocial, educational, health, and financial needs of the inner-city youths in the USA and Jamaica. We need your support for capacity building such as leadership training, technology setup (app and website), and logistics. We asked for US$2,000 each goal. 

$0.00 Raised 0%
$2,000.00 Goal
, United States (US)

Deplorable Housing

The house is without a bathroom, so you can just imagine the depths we go in order to carry out our natural bodily functions. Help us to live comfortably. Everyone deserves this. Thank you my fellow Caribbean folks.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$2,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

Financial Assistance

Hi My name is Cher.  Due to covid-19, my husband and I have to be working less hours than we normally do. The monthly bills have piled up so much. We are at a breaking point and don't know what to do or who to turn to for help so I am  seeking financial assistance.   My husband and I would be extremely grateful for any assistance received.   God Bless you. Cher

$0.00 Raised 0%
$4,500.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

Housing assistant for a more suitable living condition

Want to put an extra smile on my children faces with a more suitable living condition. Please help in any way you can.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$750,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

De’Zhaun’s Caretakers Fundraising

If anyone wants to assist me, my phone number is 600 8872. I'm grateful for any help you can give, even in the form of prayers. Thank you. Sincerely, Dezhaun Humes

$0.00 Raised 0%
$5,000.00 Goal
, Belize

Jamaica Association of Vintage Artistes and Affilliates insurance Campaign Fund.

Jamaica Association of Vintage Artistes and Affiliates (JAVAA) is a non profit organization formed in 2003 with over 150 members. We are seeking donations to form an insurance trust for our veteran artists.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$8,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica