Phillippa Harrison’s dialysis needs

I am seeking assistance with my dialysis payments as this is done privately and my only option for living.

$150.00 Raised 5.00%
$3,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

Help teenage mother


$0.00 Raised 0%
$200,000.00 Goal
, Jamaica

Support the funeral arrangement for Romario Manning

Canyouth's Foundation had adjusted this campaign to support contributions towards the funeral of Romario Manning who have passed on January 21, 2022 - weeks after the campaign for his medical support was launched.  We regret the passing of  Mr. Manning and would like to express condolence to his friends and family members. Please give towards his funeral arrangement.  This was not a direct request from the family but we would like to end the campaign in support to his resting.   THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT as he RIP  The accident had left the 26-year-old paralyzed from the left shoulder down and suffering from memory loss due to trauma to the head. He also has a broken leg and an injured spine. 

$100.00 Raised 10.00%
$1,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, United States (US)

The Ne-Sean Blair Campaign

I am Kedine Blair, mother of Ne-Sean Blair. March 30, 2021, should have been a date where I should have celebrated my firstborn, Ne-Sean Blair's 16th birthday, but instead, it will forever be carved in my memory for being the day I almost lost him. A gunman's bullet travel along his spinal cord and lodge in his neck. The ordeal has left him paralyzed from his neck down and lying on his back at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH). His father and I now need financial assistance to get Ne-Sean to the USA, with the first major cost being US$50,000 (J$7.5 million) for airlift transportation and another US$20,000-US$30,000 (J$3 million-J$4.5 million) for early medical expenses.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$10,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, United States (US)

Palawan, Philippines Needs Help, Too!

Last December 17, 2021, a typhoon destroyed its beauty and isolated the island from the whole country. Typhoon Rai, locally known as typhoon Odette, left the central and northern part of the province devastated. The roads were ruined and impassable. There was no signal reception in the island for five days. There was a lack of water and food supply. Houses in other communities were totally destroyed. Weeks after the typhoon happened, people are still trying to build their houses piece by piece from scratch as they lack materials needed.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$10,000.00 Goal
, Philippines


Good day! My name is Romarie W. Bartley, the former Head boy of St. George's College, a Christian, a Jamaican, and a future Cardiothoracic surgeon.

$53.00 Raised 0.39%
$13,600.00 Goal
, Jamaica