Fundraiser for Tamika British’s Vitiligo Treatment

My name is Brizzel Nelson, but many of you may know me as Tamika British. I am a 53-year-old resident of Kingston, Jamaica. In my early 30s, I was diagnosed with a chronic autoimmune disorder called vitiligo. This condition has had a significant impact on my life, causing patches of my skin to lose pigment or color. Over the years, these discolored areas have grown larger, affecting my skin all over my body, including my hair and the inside of my mouth. In addition to coping with vitiligo, I am also diabetic, which adds another layer of complexity to my health. While there is no known cure for vitiligo, there are treatments available that have shown promise in stopping its progression and helping to restore a more even skin tone.…

$0.00 Raised 0%
$1,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

Education at The Amy Jacques Garvey Community Centre

The Amy Jacques Garvey Coalition organises Saturday classes for the children the Jacques Road Community ages 7-16 at the Amy Jacques Garvey Community Centre with the main goal of increasing literacy. These children receive help in the academic areas they’ve asked for with a strong emphasis on written and spoken communication. The coalition also aims to increase conflict-resolution skills and self-love. This is done by teaching meditation and other self-care tools.  According to our first literacy assessment, most children in the community are reading well below their grade level. In order for these children to catch up, they need tutoring that can support their academic lives in the public school system. Our executive body is made up of educators, musicians, artists, as well as individuals who live on Jacques Road…

$314.00 Raised 1.57%
$20,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

Please help to support baby Joaquin

My name is Rajah, and I am a 24-year-old single father of an amazing 2-year-old boy named Joaquin. Joaquin was born premature, and his journey has been a challenging one so far. Today, I come before you to humbly seek your support for my beloved son. The purpose of this fundraiser is to secure a better future for Joaquin. Your generous donations will be used primarily to provide him with essential nourishment, clothing, and the tools to foster his growing intelligence. My dream is to see Joaquin flourish, and I believe that nurturing his intelligence is the key. Additionally, the funds will be used to buy new clothes as he grows older, allowing him to feel comfortable and confident as he explores the world around him.

$2,610.00 Raised 32.63%
$8,000.00 Goal
, Jamaica

Raising Funds for a Kidney Transplant For Calbert!

Calbert Chang, known affectionately as Carl, is facing a critical situation as he battles end-stage renal disease, leaving both of his kidneys non-functional. Unfortunately, there are no living donors accessible in Jamaica, but we are actively pursuing the possibility of finding a deceased kidney donor in Trinidad to aid him in his struggle. In the provided photo, we see him enduring one of his many dialysis sessions, with each costing more than 15,000 Jamaican dollars. Despite the challenges, Carl remarkably maintains his determination and independence, driving himself to and from work three times a week. His resilience and tenacity are truly awe-inspiring, but he longs for a return to a normal, healthy life. Your support could make a significant difference in his journey toward recovery.

$127.00 Raised 0.25%
$50,000.00 Goal
, Jamaica

Help to raise funds to reward information that leads to an arrest in Danielle Rowe’s gruesome murder through Crime Stop

Please to assist in raising funds for a reward of J$500,000.00 for information leading to the arrest of the culprit(s)  who murdered little 8 years old Danielle Rowe on Thursday June 8,2023. Your donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference. Every contribution gets us one step closer to finding the person who committed this atrocious act and ensuring that they face the full extent of the law. Let us come together and show that we stand for justice and protect the innocent. Danielle was a little girl with dreams and aspirations, and we owe it to her memory to fight for the justice she deserves.  

$1,274.00 Raised 12.74%
$10,000.00 Goal
0 Days to Go
, Jamaica

Support Abigail’s Journey to Start a Winery in Dominica!

My name is Abigail Telemacque, a passionate young entrepreneur hailing from the beautiful Caribbean island of Dominica. At 21 years of age, I am embarking on an exciting journey to fulfill my dreams of opening a winery in my local country. Today, I reach out to you with a humble request for assistance to help me turn this dream into a reality. Starting a winery requires significant resources, both in terms of equipment and materials, as well as the necessary steps to register and establish a business. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a significant impact in helping me get started on a small scale. Any amount you can give will be deeply appreciated and will have a direct impact on our progress.

$0.00 Raised 0%
$10,000.00 Goal
, Dominica