Classified Balance Sheet: Definition, Examples, Format, Template, Importance

A classified balance sheet is a financial statement that reports asset, liability, and equity accounts in meaningful subcategories for readersโ€™ ease of use. In other words, it breaks down each of the balance sheet accounts into smaller categories to create a more useful and meaningful report. This simple equation does a lot in demonstrating that shareholdersโ€™ equity is the residual value of assets minus liabilities. Preparing a classified balance sheet correctly categorizes assets and liabilities.

  • Remember, there are no set subcategory requirements across industries.
  • However, it rearranges some items to make them more readable.
  • We know that from the contents of Balance sheet and from their meaningful presentation, readers retrieve very useful information of their use and evaluate progress.
  • Generally speaking, a classified balance sheet will be more useful in almost every scenario.

The three main sections of a classified balance sheet makes are assets, liabilities, and equity. Additionally, the equity section is split into separate categories, such as common stock, preferred stock, and retained earnings. The classified balance sheet is one of the two types of balance sheets used by businesses.

Definition of Classified Balance Sheet

The equity segment of the classified balance sheet is exceptionally simple and like a non-classified report. The articles and research support materials available on this site are educational and are not intended to be investment or tax advice. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly. Track your company budget in a free all-in-one online workspace.

Advisory services provided by Carbon Collective Investment LLC (โ€œCarbon Collective”), an SEC-registered investment adviser. Continuing with Bob and his donut shop example, we can see how his traditional balance sheet and his classified balance sheet would look at the end of his financial period, i.e. month-end. Keep track of college expenses with this free online spreadsheet.

  • However, it is important to first classify the assets and liabilities and current and non-current as a bare minimum.
  • When information is aggregated in this manner, a balance sheet user may find that useful information can be extracted more readily than would be the case if an overwhelming number of line items were presented.
  • Classified balance sheet enables the user either insider or outsider to access the data with ease as all information is sorted out in categories.
  • These are also taken as sums of money that business owes to outsiders like creditors, suppliers etc.
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  • IAS-1 states that an item primarily held for trading purposes shall be classified as non-current.

Traditional balance sheets don’t make particular categorization between various sections, it only has sections for a companyโ€™s assets and liabilities. A classified balance sheet splits assets into various classes of assets, like fixed assets, current assets, properties, investments, long-term assets, and intangible assets. Likewise, a classified balance sheet segregates an organization’s liabilities into classes like long-term liabilities, short-term liabilities, and equity.

In any case, in a classified balance sheet format, such a computation would be direct as the administration has clearly mentioned its current assets and liabilities. It will be not difficult to calculate for a retail investor as well. In a classified balance sheet, financial data is introduced in depth. The parts of assets, liabilities, and equity are separated into more sub-headings for providing in-depth data to the clients. The parts of assets and liabilities are likewise named current and non-current. Large organizations use a classified balance sheet as the format that delivers in-depth data to the clients for better decision-making.

Long-Term Investments

This balance sheet compares the financial position of the company as of September 2020 to the financial position of the company from the year prior. The balance sheet provides an overview of the state of a company’s finances at a moment in time. It cannot give a sense of the trends playing out over a longer period on its own. For this reason, the balance sheet should be compared with those of previous periods.


Financial statements, by themselves, may not tell the whole story. Many important details about a company cannot be described in money on the balance sheet. Notes are used to describe accounting policies, major business events, pending lawsuits, and other facets of operation. Oftentimes, the notes will be more voluminous than the financial statements themselves.

Classified balance sheet is used to provide picture to insiders and outsider about the financial health of organization in classified manners. This statement breaks down all accounts into smaller categories to create a more meaningful and useful financial report (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2012). A classified balance sheet is a document used to break down the total assets, liabilities, and equity of a business.

How Balance Sheets Work

Organizing this statement into clear sections makes the data even more insightful. A classified balance sheet separates assets, liabilities, and equity accounts into current and long-term categories. This format divides short-term, liquid accounts from those providing longer-term value. The shareholder equity is categorized into preferred stock, common stock, capital in excess of par and retained earnings. In Classified Balance Sheet Format, there are three basic elements of like Assets, Liabilities and shareholder equity. Information regarding their details can either be provided by wider categories or it can be presented by subcategories to show classification of its basic elements.

Balance sheets can be used with other important financial statements to conduct fundamental analysis or calculate financial ratios. A classified balance sheet can provide valuable insights into a companyโ€™s financial health and cash flow. Smaller businesses typically use an unclassified balance accountant ceo salary sheet, but if youโ€™re looking for a report that provides the same data in a more detailed format, youโ€™ll want to prepare a classified balance sheet. A balance sheet is a financial statement that displays the total assets, liabilities, and equity of your business at a particular time.

Accounting standards may also provide additional conditions for classifying items as non-current and current, such as for current assets. IAS-1 states that an item primarily held for trading purposes shall be classified as non-current. Public companies, on the other hand, are required to obtain external audits by public accountants, and must also ensure that their books are kept to a much higher standard. Employees usually prefer knowing their jobs are secure and that the company they are working for is in good health. When analyzed over time or comparatively against competing companies, managers can better understand ways to improve the financial health of a company. Additional paid-in capital or capital surplus represents the amount shareholders have invested in excess of the common or preferred stock accounts, which are based on par value rather than market price.

Although the balance sheet is an invaluable piece of information for investors and analysts, there are some drawbacks. For this reason, a balance alone may not paint the full picture of a company’s financial health. The classified balance sheet takes users of financial statements to assess a companyโ€™s liquidity and solvency with current liabilities. This type of balance sheet segregates the assets, liabilities, and equity into classifications or categories, thus presenting a more detailed and clear picture of a companyโ€™s financial condition. This in-depth information is pivotal in driving investment decisions, strategic planning, and performance evaluation. A classified balance sheet format gives a fresh and perfectly clear view to the user.