Short Story


On behalf of Joshua Generation Ministry International, an organization committed to uniting kingdom partners and advancing the message of the kingdom worldwide. Our mission is rooted in restoring righteousness, establishing a solid moral foundation among believers, and ultimately bringing souls into the Kingdom of God.ย ย 

Teams of evangelists and outreach workers will join local churches to host open air
services and community outreach missions in identified communities throughout the island.ย  Through evangelism and outreach, the church will take Jesus to the streets, alleys, hills and valleys of Jamaica.


by Joshua Generation

  • $70,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $20.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Goal and Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
, United States (US)

Joshua Generation

729 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.



Mission: Joshua Generation is to unite kingdom partners, empowering them to preach the message of the kingdom, restore righteousness in the earth, and establish a solid moral foundation among believers. Through our collective efforts, we aim to bring souls into the Kingdom of God, fostering a community dedicated to spreading love, truth, and compassion throughout the world.ย 

Take Back Jamaica is an outreach and evangelism initiative that will impact the
communities of our nation. Through the proclamation of the gospel, accompanied with good
works, the church in Jamaica will proclaim the gospel of hope and peace which is able to
transform hearts and renew minds.

Our goal is to see a reduction in violence, an increase in brotherhood and a restoration of healthy family life. We are determined to witness transformation where our children are nurtured, protected and cherished, our elderly are respected and cared for and regard for the welfare of our fellow Jamaicans is once again the

As we prepare our third (3rd)ย  impactful all island event, we are seeking your support from compassionate individuals and organizations.ย  Your generous donations will not only assist us in covering the necessary expenses associated with organizing the rally but will also demonstrate your commitment to social responsibility and community empowerment.ย  We are thrilled to announce ourย  next upcoming outreach,ย  “Take Back Jamaica Rally”, scheduled to take place on May 31, 2024 in Manchester, Jamaica. This rally represents a significant effort to bring communities together across Jamaica, advocating for positive change and inspiring hope for a brighter future.

We believe that by joining forces with compassionate partners like you, we can make a tangible difference in Jamaica and beyond. Together, we can inspire positive change, foster unity, and spread love, truth, and compassion throughout the world.

Your donation, no matter the size, will make a significant impact and is greatly appreciated. We thank you in advance for your consideration and support.

To highlight your ommitment to positive change in Jamaica. “Take Back Jamaica Rally” offers donor incentives in return for their contributions:

  1. Recognition: Dononation (sponsorship) of $1,000 or more will be acknowledged publicly during the event, whether through signage, verbal acknowledgments, or mentions in our promotional materials.
  2. VIP Access: Dononation (sponsorship) of $2,000 or more receive special privileges such as VIP seating, access to exclusive areas, or a meet-and-greet with key speakers, musicians andย  organizers.
  3. Branded Merchandise: Dononation of $500 or more will receiveย  “Take Backย  Jamaica T-shirts, hats, or badges as a token of appreciation.
  4. Social Media Recognition: Donors will receive mentions in posts, shout-outs in stories, or featuringย  in our donor spotlights.
Name Donate Amount Date
Marjorie McIntosh $25.00 April 08, 2024


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