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Support the Adopt a Youth Foundation to help our youths, Help us to provide an effective mentorship program, entrepreneurship guidance, training, and talent development and to satisfy the financial needs of our youths to ensure a better school and home life.

Support the Adopt A Youth Foundation to Help our Youths


  • $50,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

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Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
, Jamaica

723 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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The Adopt a Youth Foundation (AYF) was established on March 6, 2019, born out of a passion to reduce crime and violence among our youths in Jamaica. The Foundationโ€™s core function is Mentorship, which is one of its main pillars. The other pillars are Entrepreneurship, Volunteerism, Personal Development and Psycho-spiritual Development.ย 

  1. Mentorshipย 

The AYF continues to bring opportunities to youths by pairing them with professionals and other trained mentors who have been successful in specific areas that align with their goals (mentor/mentee). Through this mentorship programme, youths are assisted to reach their specific milestones and goals in life.

The foundation seeks to encourage youths in the area of entrepreneurship with the help of other entrepreneurs assisting them in this area. Provide scholarships for youths by pairing with Scholarships Jamaica which provides mentorship in this area also.

The foundation is doing many activities to help our youths who are in need, however, does need support to do so. Funding will allow the foundation to provide the necessary school supplies, electronic devices, food, clothing, lunch money, bus fares and be able to fund the needed development programmes and activities to help with the growth of our youths in their chosen path.

Funding is required for the many activities, mentorship, entrepreneurship, training and talent development programmes,ย  satisfying the financial needs of our youths to ensure a better school and home life. A sum of US$50,000 will go a far way in assistingย  us toย  satisfy the needs outlined and funding the various programmes to ensure our youths’ development

The AYF solicits help from all individuals, organizations, and groups, to support the AYF and help us to bring opportunities to our youth by partnering with us through donations. every dollar counts.




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