Short Story

Hello everyone I am Koymoy Palmer, a 26-year-old entrepreneur, and owner of the T-shirt company โ€œThirty Nine.

Small Business Operator Seeking Start-up Assistance


  • $4,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

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, Jamaica

719 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Hello everyone I am Koymoy Palmer, a 26-year-old entrepreneur, and owner of the T-shirt company โ€œThirty Nine.โ€ This is an online-based company that was established in 2021 and can be found on Instagram @Thirty_Nine_309. Thirty-Nine was an idea that I came up with by just wanting to play on humanโ€™s minds; causing them to think, ask questions, reason out the topic. “What if”? What if “30” and “9” could still be “39”? ย Mathematics has proven to always be able to work out the most intricate of matters from time indefinite and so it is known as the “Queen of the Sciences”.

As a lover of Math, I always had “what if’s” on my mind and it generally leads me to an epiphany, “ah haah!” A solution is always there waiting to be discovered.

Thirty-Nine was created as a brand for the creative minds, hearts, bodies, and souls so that they too can experience the power of numbers, the strength in numbers, the meaning of life.

As a young entrepreneur and a mother, I am driven by the instinctive need of a mother to nurture and provide for her child as well as the need to be independent. However, with this business still being a new concept on the market, I am still struggling financially to get things off the ground and becoming a household brand. I can assure you that with the growth of my company I will be able to not only contribute to the decrease in unemployment by providing job opportunities for the unemployed but also boost the countryโ€™s economy by becoming a licensed and registered business operating both locally and internationally.

However, this wonโ€™t be possible without all the helping hands I can get on board to contribute to this worthy cause. I am currently seeking a contribution of $US4000 to improve and propel my business but any donation would be genuinely appreciated. Invest in the youths, we are the future!


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