Short Story

This campaign aims to aid with the funding of my medical studies year 1 and hopefully through to year 6

Seeking to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.

by Danae Pryce

  • $12,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $50.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
, Jamaica

Danae Pryce

722 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Hello there my name is Danae Pryce and hereโ€™s my story. I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease in 2017 after having my appendix removed under the assumption that it was the illness’ suspected cause. Crohns Disease is an incurable but treatable disease. I was admitted to the hospital for a second time in 2020, where I underwent a minor procedure and also spent my 19th birthday. However, by 2020, the area had started accumulating “pus,” generating a bulge that grew more and more painful with each day that passed. At nights I would lay on the floor in agony because of the excruciating pain that hinders my slumber. I had to miss months’ worth of school because there were times I was bedridden, fatigued, constantly vomiting, had constant dizziness, and experienced extreme weight loss (which at one point was down to 76 pounds). After being out of school for approximately 8 months, I finally returned the following September, but was told I had to repeat; this was while I was in grade 8. Upon entering grade 8 once again the following year, though, it was hard for me seeing as all my friends had matriculated to grade 9, leaving me a year behind. I decided to make the best of the situation; I worked on maintaining the grade average, keeping ahead of my class and studies, and assisting my peers with their study and exam preparation. I finally felt like my life would be back on course soon.

Grade 9 came around quickly, but with that, so did the symptoms of my illness. I started feeling immense pain every day, I lost the urge to eat, which contributed to the drop in my body mass, and I started experiencing panic attacks during random intervals of the day as a traumatic response to what I was going through.It goes without saying that ninth grade was not my best year, but fortunately I made it through with the help of my loved ones and other well wishers who were there every step of the way. Time passed, and before I knew it, I was in grade 12, but once again, this burdensome illness altered my life and set me back another year in school. As previously stated in paragraph ย above, this event occured in 2021 after being admitted in December of 2020. As it relates to the surgery, I thought it was going to be a simple open and stitch surgery, but to my horror the stitching didn’t occur; instead, a stoma or ostomy bag was placed over the opening. This bag’s purpose is to catch the “pus” that remained after the procedure due to there being a fistula (this is a passageway made due to the pressuring force that causes the bowel to attach itself to the skin, causing a continuous oozing from the lower right side of my stomach). With this came my second repetition.

Nonetheless, I continue to preserve and is more inspired than ever to conquer the world. As anyone might expect, this whole experience has had such a tremendous impact on my life that I have decided to become a Gastroenterologist. This is because I have had firsthand experience with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), have interacted with people facing similar diseases or ailments, and have come to understand the circumstances of persons in this situation because of my own experiences .

I have taken the initiative to apply to a medical school in Cuba and was accepted to travel there to pursue medicine at the University of Medical Science of Havana. I have recently returned after successfully completing the mandatory prerequisite Spanish course and for this reason, I come seeking financial assistance to grab at this grand opportunity to fulfill my passion and purpose to return to start my first year of medical school. The course begins in January 2024. I was not able to begin this month, fortunately there is an intake in November and I canโ€™t allow this opportunity to pass me by. The total cost of tuition amount to $8,500USD in addition to food, airfare and living expenses which will amount to 1200usd. However, whatever is offered will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for taking time to consider this request..

Name Donate Amount Date
Jayques Nelson $50.00 January 23, 2024

1 review for Seeking to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.

  1. Jayques (verified owner)

    I have known Danae for well over a decade now. I know a lot of people seek help under false pretenses but I can assure you that this is not the case. Her condition is real, her need is real, and her story is as real as it gets. Despite all the odds, I have seen her fight, struggle and push forward with strength that can only come from our Lord Jesus Christ. I implore you to give if you are able to,share with all the people you can, and pray for her success. Help not because of pity, but to share in the joy of having given to a good cause, and to be a witness of Godโ€™s glory through her story.

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