Short Story

My name is Chantol Bailey and I’m seeking assistance to help to school my 3 children and 3 brothers. A year ago I was viciously chopped up by a male resident in my community, the injuries were life threatening but by the grace of God I pulled through.

Seeking assistance to assist my children and brothers with schooling


  • $15,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Goal and Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
, Jamaica

720 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Good morning to all God’s wonderful creation. My name is Chantol Bailey and I’m seeking assistance to help to school my 3 children and 3 brothers. A year ago I was viciously chopped up by a male resident in my community, the injuries were life threatening but by the grace of God I pulled through. I received multiple injuries all over my body including hands, bottom and breast. My left hand was mostly damaged as my thumb was chopped off and the main vein in the middle of my hand was also chopped which is the reason why I’m not able to use it, 2 years before the incident I took my three brothers to live with me and my three sons in an effort to provide the opportunity I never got to finish school but because of the damages I’ve received I am no longer able to work so I started a little community shop but because of the impact of covid and the rapid increase in goods on services I could no longer keep the shop opened. With no source of income I’m finding it difficult to come up with the $15,000 needed per week to send all six boys to school and to provide them with nutritious meals it’s on this basis that I seek assistance from the public to help in allowing these boys to reach their goals of becoming a pilot, teacher, police, doctor etc. I’m not one to depend on other people but I see no other way to help these children so I ask as a sister and a mother for help as I strongly believe that lack of education causes one to perish and I don’t wants these children to perish because of ignorance because they weren’t given the opportunity. Thanks much in advance and I pray that the food basket will never go empty but that God will provide for you all continually.


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