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Potential baby girl that lost her mommy to cancer and us doing well in school need your assistance

Potential baby girl lost her mommy to cancer and is inneed of assistance 🙏


  • $12,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $3.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

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, Jamaica

720 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Mom died from cancer  leaving baby girl,she is now going to high school but living with her sister. Because she was living with dad and the abused started,sister have no choice but to take her into her home. The sister is the only 1 trying to give her a good life along with her spouse,they are trying their best but it can be a task at times because the child act out alot. She recently started high school which she is doing excellent grades are up and attitude towards school is awesome . Since online school her sister would ensure internet is at home so she can always be on school,she manage to stay online and get a few merits along with principal honor roll. 
We would really like to see her Excell and continue on this same path towards her future in becoming a nurse or a pediatrician to make herself us and her mommy proud even though she isn’t here. So we are actually seeking some assistance inregards to school,personal hygiene,also some food items and monetary assistance to help with medical and other necessities.   We do appreciate any form of assistance we get and will be very grateful for all that take this time out to read,to contribute and to also pray for the family.  Because without God we are nothing and we always say a little is much when God is in it. God is able to do the impossible.  
Thank you 
Very much 

Name Donate Amount Date
Latoya Morgan $3.29 March 07, 2022


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