Short Story

Help over 100 children who have been abandoned or neglected in state care receive the BEST CARE and Intervention. 

Maxfield Park Children’s Home-Children in State-Care

by Emprezz Golding

  • $100,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $120.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

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89 Maxfield Ave, Kingston, Jamaica, Jamaica

Emprezz Golding

704 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Hello and welcome to the Maxfield Park Children’s Home. ​The Maxfield Park Children’s Home has been in operation since 1918. It is one of the childcare facilities that under the supervision of the Child Protection & Family Services Agency (CPFSA), an executive agency of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Jamaica.

The children are admitted after they have been determined to be in need of care and protection as provided by the Child Care & Protection Act (2004). The children are referred through the following sources; The Child Development Agency (Childrens’ Office), The Police and the Courts.

The Board of Directors appointed by the Hon Minister of Education, Youth and Information, provides guidance and support for the home.  It provides general oversight and policy guidelines, has responsibility for staff management and undertakes fundraising activities.

A general manager directs daily operations of the facility with support from approximately eighty full-time members of staff, who work on a three-shift system. One hundred and five male and female wards, ages 0-18 years receive care.

The home operates an early childhood Pre-school and a school for children with special needs that provides instruction for wards where services are lacking in the public school system.

Our Home is in a transformational phase and needs the urgent support of the public.

As we begin 2021, the Board of Directors, led by the Chair, Emprezz Golding is anxious to get many of our projects underway.

Donate to:

  1. Implement frequent professional development workshops for caregivers and teachers.
  2. Have interventions to successfully increase the out of cot time for infants and toddlers.
  3. Increase the level and length of stimulation provided to infants and toddlers by caregivers.
  4. Administer psychological evaluations to fourteen of the eighteen infants and toddlers.
  5. Administer psychosocial and educational screening of the records of seventy-one children, six years and older.

    Our Initial analysis reveals high levels of poor academic performance and inappropriate behaviours.

  6. Implement regular clinical consultations with caregiving staff, teachers, clinicians and administrators.


Program Description

MPCH proposes to continue its program of interventions to improve the socio-emotional and intellectual functioning of its children, and the skill development of its staff. Given the integration of the program into the restructured MPCH, it will be more effective. Therefore, the program will reduce the level of socio-emotional distress, academic underperformance and inappropriate behaviors. It will also lessen the degree of psychological stress experienced by the staff.

Service Provision

With funding, there will be a continuation of high quality/high impact activities for the currently underserved MPCH community. MPCH will provide integrated case management, proactive interventions, psychological counseling, academic support, and age-appropriate high quality stimulation for out of school activities. This will enable the provision of ongoing individualized treatment and tutoring services to children. In addition, MPCH will strengthen its ties to community clinics and schools to ensure that children receive mandated services and treatment.

Capacity building

Capacity building will include ongoing professional development workshops, case conferences and staff consultations. These staff oriented interventions will better equip them to address presenting problems without having to complete extended training programs. These professional development interventions will reflect best practices in areas such as de-escalation techniques, play therapy, art therapy, behavior risk assessment, basic mental status examinations and trauma-informed care. Therefore, staff will make effective intervention and will be able to identify children in need of more extensive and specialized care.

Specialized Service Providers

Given either the shortage or absence of specialized services staff at MPCH, the institution will work closely with tertiary institutions to provide supervised interns for academic coaching, counseling, health services, and arts and sports-oriented programing.

Innovative aspects of intervention.

Coordinating services both within MPCH and between other institutions will maximize the use of scarce and costly resources. The improving of caregiver skills and the more effective use of trainees and specialized will result in a cascade of benefits. The children, the caregivers, the administrators and the community will all benefit from the coordination and provision of high quality service provision.

Program Monitoring and Evaluation

MPCH will track outcome measures such as academic report cards, teacher feedback, incident reports from caregivers, treatment reports from counselors and other providers. In addition, case conferences and clinical consultations will also be a source of feedback regarding a given child’s challenges and progress.Risks Risk Risk Mitigation
Core ethical principles will be adhered to, ensuring that interventions are not harmful and are in the child’s best interest. Resource investment and programs implementation will facilitate staff the nurturance and respect of staff. Through professional development, workshops and the strengthening of the supervisory process to ensure that best practices are being used. Personnel management practices will be in place to promote and recognize professional work habits and promptly intervene where staff behavior is inappropriate.


MPCH will continue to work closely with CPFSA, community-based organisations such as schools and clinics. It will strengthen its ties with tertiary institutions that supplies specialist-in training. It will welcome participation in its professional development workshops, and case conferences by staff from other institutions.

Beneficiaries of Interventions Children

The children at MPCH will be the direct beneficiaries of the proposed interventions. They will demonstrate desired outcomes such as improved academic skills, resilient psychosocial skills, and a decline in inappropriate behaviors. This in turn will improve their self-esteem and contribute to them being more productive and caring individuals.


Families will also benefit from these interventions, as they will be more inclined to visit more with their children, increase the amount of home visits and the permanent return of their children.


The staff will be indirect beneficiaries, as they will experience themselves as effective professionals, alongside a reduction of the level of job-related stress that they experience.


CPFSA spends considerable sums on MPCH and similar institutions. These interventions should lower some of those costs and enhance desired outcomes. In addition, they will increase the amount of children who will function as productive, caring and law-abiding citizens.

We propose that this programme be led by:  Associate Professor of Psychology: Department of Africana Studies. John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist: New York State and other local specialists.

Name Donate Amount Date
Tina-Marie Williams $109.50 April 06, 2021
Anonymous $20.00 February 11, 2021


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