Short Story

I live with only my grand mother please help me. I need to start back school . I have the following skills, Reading, Wrighting , Basic Wood working, Metal work, Basic Welding . Please help me to be a better person/

Helping with Education


  • $8,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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727 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Im in need of a laptop for my education. I have the abaility of doing blue print drawings . i have the abilitity to draw plans on paper but now i am expected to start doing paper drawing on a laptop with a program callย  ย  ย  ย Auto cad. Please kindly assist me in funding so i can further my education. The laptop needs to be at least 1tb harddrive, i8 processor in order for the laptop to be able to help the program. The program is costly but the school is providing it for me. Please help me in obtaining this laptop. Please help me to be able to have a carrer .ย  I live with my grand mother, my grand father has died and it has been really tought on us.ย  Please help me in obtaining my goals and carrer .


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