Short Story

I am Mario Deacon. A lifelong dream of mine, is to become a Pediatric Surgeon and to help back my country that doesnโ€™t currently have a strong Pediatric Surgery Program.

Help Mario Deacon Attend Medical School to become a Doctor!

by Mario Deacon

  • $13,600.00

    Funding Goal
  • $270.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
, Jamaica

Mario Deacon

723 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

I am Mario Deacon. A lifelong dream of mine, is to become a Pediatric Surgeon and to help back my country that doesnโ€™t currently have a strong Pediatric Surgery Program. I was accepted to study Medicine at the University of Havana in Cuba with an expected start date of January 2022, but because of my inability to accumulate the tuition in time, I had to defer to January 2023 with the tuition deadline being November 2022. At current, the tuition fee stands at 13,600 USD. Both of my parents are shop owners are who really try their best, but it is difficult for them to find that amount of money. I am currently employed, with aims of possibly contributing to my tuition.ย  I’ve also reached out to my local Member of Parliament and was told that they don’t fund studies outside Jamaica. I was not accepted to UWI and it costs twice the amount Cuba does to study Medicine there. The ministry of finance along with the Cuban Embassy also normally provides a bilateral scholarship to study Medicine but for some reason, this scholarship is no longer being offered. Therefore, I am reaching out to ask for any assistance that you would be able to offer, even if it is just your prayers and well wishes, please and thank you. Most people have been reluctant to help because my studies will not be conducted in Jamaica, but I was not accepted to UWI due to an inability to afford it and the education I receive will be benefiting my country as I do plan to return here after studies in Cuba, to help as much as I can, especially with students who may one day be in a similar situation that I am currently in. One which may seem like an inability to attend university because they are unable to find the money. I recently served as a Head student, President of Inter School’s Christian Fellowship, Vice President of Junior Optimist International and The Science Club of Calabar High School. I have also received a total of 16 CXC subjects (8 CSEC and 8 CAPE) only comprising grades 1 and 2. Thank you for taking the time out to read this plea, please do not hesitate to share this info with anyone who you think could or would want to assist.ย  ย  My Contact Information: (876)830-9486 or (876)326-0525ย  Email address: Banking Info: NCB Portmoreย  Savings Account Mario Deacon Account #: 364763317

Name Donate Amount Date
Anonymous $32.85 March 04, 2022
Leroy Clarke $54.75 February 05, 2022
Gena Chang-Campbell $21.90 February 05, 2022
Nimal Amitirigala $54.75 February 03, 2022
Anonymous $109.50 February 03, 2022
Juliana Wright $10.95 January 19, 2022
Mario Deacon $3.29 January 12, 2022
Anonymous $2.19 January 01, 2022
Anonymous $5.48 January 01, 2022


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