Short Story

Several years ago I went with my best friend to get a tattoo, the word- Fighter. It was in honor of my courageous spirit during my battle with bone cancer at the young age of 12.

Help Josan beat cancer

by Karren Johnson

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, United States (US)

Karren Johnson

720 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Several years ago I went with my best friend to get a tattoo, the word- Fighter. It was in honor of my courageous spirit during my battle with bone cancer at the young age of 12.

Little did I know that years later I’d be fighting not my 2nd but my 3rd cancer diagnosis. This time as a 27 yr old woman who was just as scared yet brave as when she was at age 12.

The journey thus far since the 3rd diagnosis, of Breast Cancer has been only 3+ months but it has been filled with countless therapeutic treatments, rehabilitative interventions, surgeries and medical procedures.

And just when I thought we’ve reached the end, we learned we’re just at the beginning of the rest of my life – living with a genetic mutation – Li Fraumeni Syndrome.

While it is overwhelming on even the ‘good days’, it’s hard to fight like I want to when I’m not eligible for health insurance coverage in Jamaica. Thus far I’ve exhausted my savings and reserves to meet this fight yet again…but this time it’s not enough. This is now where I have to shelf my pride and ask my community for help.

When I initially shared the news of my most recent fight, it was met with shock and concern. Thankfully, many persons have reached out with kind words and an interest to help. As my family continues to support me physically, I need your support financially – with mounting medical bills, upcoming procedures, chemotherapy and medical services ahead of me.

The road ahead looks daunting but I know as we say in Jamaica- ‘one one cocoa full basket’. All donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated.

I thank you in advance for your prayers and your generosity.

I promised myself years ago that I wouldn’t go down without a fight, and I look forward to your assistance as I work to keep this promise.

Ps. For Jamaican contributors- you can do local bank transfers

Thanks much!!

any amount will be greatly appreciated.


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