Short Story

Hi I am Jaunelle Jones and I am a 16 year old student of the Jose Marti Technical High School. My dream is to become a Pilot but I also foster my skills, passion and desire to pursue a business in Furniture Making. I am in the process of developing on my entrepreneurial skills as I currently assist my father and uncle in making furniture such as dressers, drawers etc in my backyard.

16-yr-old who Assists with Furniture Making Needs Your Help to Create a Furniture Business

by Jaunelle Jones

  • $7,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Goal and Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
, Jamaica

Jaunelle Jones

720 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Hi I am Jaunelle Jones and I am a 16 year old student of the Jose Marti Technical High School.ย 

My dream is to become a Pilot but I also foster my skills, passion and desire to pursue a business in Furniture Making. I am in the process of developing on my entrepreneurial skills as I currently assist my father and uncle in making furniture such as dressers, drawers etc in my backyard.

However, I would love the opportunity to become my own boss and turn these skills into a small business in order to continue assisting my parents in sending me to school and to become more independent. I am also practicing cosmetology and would also love to exercise my skills in that field as well in order to assist young girls in properly grooming their hairs for school as I look forward into fostering it into a business. Therefore, I am using the REAL HELPING HANDS platform to raise funds to help me in achieving this dream!

I would love to buy the needed tools, materials, hair products/equipment and rent an available space to facilitate both areas of interest. The value to kickstart this business venture would amount to an estimated amount of US $7,000.


Thank you for any contribution, it will be greatly appreciated.



Meet Jaunelle/Assisting with making a drawer:


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