Crowdfunding in the Caribbean

Crowdfunding has been shown to be effective for a wide range of organizations around the world, including schools, churches, and hospitals. Crowdfunding enables these organizations to put their fundraising ideas into action.

Having a platform to promote your causes and raise money through a collaborative effort of your supporters will aid in capital raising. We have a few reasons why you should use the Caribbean crowdfunding platform if you need funding for a project that is important to your organization.

Increase Funds

With such a platform dedicated solely to funding your projects, your supporters will be able to donate in one place. Not only will you be able to host large events for those in town, but you will also have one tool through which those from out of town can donate. The money donated to your projects via the Caribbean Crowdfunding platform is electronic and will be deposited directly into your bank account.

You can reward donors on the Caribbean Crowdfunding platform, which will encourage supporters to donate more.ย 

Whether you’re raising funds for new school uniforms, a sports training facility, a needy family, or a loved one’s medical expenses, the Caribbean crowdfunding platform will help you meet your goals and spread the word.


Setting up a crowdfunding project is simple and quick. The first step is to decide on your fundraising goals and strategies.

What does your organization require, and which project will your community most enthusiastically support? It only takes a few simple steps to create a fundraising campaign once you’ve decided what your organization is fundraising for. This includes appealing photos and a description of your specific project or causes to effectively convey your message and encourage your supporters to donate.

Once your campaign is set up, you’ll be able to see who your donors are and watch your funds grow in real-time.ย 

Tell Us Your Story

Communicating and engaging with others has never been easier with today’s digital capabilities.

Using the Caribbean Crowdfunding Platform will allow your organization to explain to your supporters why your project is important and why you require their assistance.

You have the opportunity to share what makes your situation unique while also raising awareness for your cause all in one place.

Your supporters will be made aware of your active campaign and can donate right away thanks to Caribbean Crowdfunding’s simple social sharing and the click of a button.

Reach Out to Your Community

Your community is the most ardent supporter of your organization. Not only is your organization gaining revenue for their projects, but those donating in the community feel as if they have contributed to the success of your organization.

When a group of people works together to achieve a common goal, they form a close-knit community.

Caribbean Crowdfunding will enable you to reach people outside your immediate community who share your passion for your project and want to help, regardless of how close or far they are.

Using the Caribbean Crowdfunding Platform is the most effective way to reach those outsides of your organization who are most interested in the projects that are important to you.

We observed that Crowdfunding had a proven track record of success all over the world, with many countries developing their platforms and gradually expanding to serve the rest of the world. Yes, some established platforms are now accepting projects in our region, but their focus is not on us, so many of our projects go unfunded.

So, as Caribbean people with a passion for Caribbean issues, we created this customized crowdfunding solution with you in mind. It allows you to reap the same benefits and successes that others in the developed world have had with crowdfunding.

Through Real Helping Hands, Caribbean nationals and residents with good ideas in need of helpย or social projects they want to fund for the betterment of their livesย now have an online marketplace where they can pitch their ideas and reach out to their communities all over the world. We also provide a location where Caribbean communities and their friends from around the world can donate to registered non-profits and Alumni Associations in our islands.

When pledging to a campaign, the Chooser is not offered or entitled to any financial returns or profit that the Pitcher anticipates as a result of their project. Any rewards provided will be purely fictitious.

However,ย www.realhelpinghands.comย aimed to provide a seamless crowdfunding experience by allowing native Caribbean citizens to start their campaigns.

How Crowdfunding Can Support Disaster Relief

Even the most prepared people can find it terrifying to witness a hurricane’s wrath firsthand. And surviving the event is only half the battle. For many people, the recovery process can feel like a second natural disaster.

Fortunately, there are resources available to assist hurricane victims in getting back on their feet. There are a lot of people who want to help, from relief workers to individual volunteers, which is why there is a need forย

Following a hurricane, it is critical for communities to receive financial assistance as soon as possible. While the government provides grants and other forms of financial assistance to individuals and small businesses, the application process is typically lengthy, and grants are competitive. Crowdfunding has been used by everyone from small business owners to individuals to receive immediate hurricane relief donations.

It only takes a few minutes to start a fundraiser on, and our platform makes it simple to share your fundraiser with everyone you know. Because of our fundraising platform, you can keep more of the donations you receive, allowing you to help more people in need.