Methods of Factory Overhead Absorption

In this case, we can make the journal entry for over absorption of overhead by debiting the overhead account and crediting the cost of goods sold account. The followings are the disadvantages of machine hour rate. It helps the allocation of indirect expenses to each job. The following are the important types of machine hour rate. This method is used where labour cost forms a major portion of the total cost. (3) Ascertainment of machine hour rate requires skill and detailed working knowledge.

  • On the other hand, indirect costs refer to costs that are not direct costs or are the opposite of direct costs.
  • For example, if during april 2019, overheads absorbed are $10,800 and actual overhead are $10,000, there is an over-absorption of overhead to the extent of $800.
  • While both the rates are different, the cost of a product will not change regardless of which basis the company uses.
  • Certain factors are considered for choosing a particular and appropriate base for absorption of overheads, but final choice is a matter of judgement arid common sense.

However, it is opposite from the over absorption of overhead above as the absorbed overhead in this case is lower than the actual overhead. The standing charges of each machine are divided by the working hours of that machine to determine the machine hour rate for standing charges. To calculate the composite machine hour rate, ordinary machine hour rate is added with the machine hour rate for standing charges.

Machine Hour Rate Method

Overhead costs are indirect costs not directly tied to a specific product or service. However, they support the overall operation of a company. These may include several items, for example, rent, utilities, depreciation, and administrative expenses. Under this method, overhead absorption rate is calculated by dividing the overhead with the number of direct labour hours. Absorption of overheads refers to charging of overheads to individual products or jobs.

  • Where the absorption of overheads is made using a rate based on actual data, the overhead absorbed must be equal to the actual overhead incurred.
  • Similarly, they may calculate it by taking the number of hours which would relate to working at normal capacity.
  • (2) The rationale behind this method is that both material and labour costs cause the overhead to be incurred and therefore it is appropriate to use the aggregate of both as basis for absorption.
  • The expenses like power, repairs and maintenance and depreciation are incurred directly proportionate to the running of the machine.
  • Both direct and indirect expenses are combined to obtain total overhead expenses to operate the machine during the period.

Under this method overhead is absorbed based on the actual or predetermined absorption rate calculated by expressing the overhead cost as percentage of direct materials for the same period. The process consists of establishing an overhead absorption rate and then applying the rate to the total units produced. Companies must calculate this rate for each cost centre. Usually, they must calculate the rate before the production begins. Therefore, it requires them to forecast their costs and units produced to determine the rate.

And the overhead absorption rate can be calculated by dividing the budgeted overhead cost by the budgeted production units or activities. Under the absorption costing, the fixed overhead cost is allocated to the production based on the predetermined fixed production overhead absorption rate. This overhead absorption rate is determined by using the budgeted fixed overhead and the budgeted production units or activities. In cost accounting, we may have an over absorption of overhead when the budgeted overhead does not equal the actual overhead cost or when the budgeted production does not equal the actual production. However, the budgeted overhead doesnโ€™t always equal the actual cost of overhead.

If the portion of direct labour cost is more than direct material cost, insufficient allowance is given for the time factor. The rate is calculated by dividing the overhead by the number of units produced. Overhead absorption also provides a relatively simple and efficient method for cost allocation, making it accessible to companies of different sizes and accounting expertise. This method assumes that both the materials you use and the labour (i.e the wages) it takes to produce the product jointly lead to factory overheads. Therefore, the total cost of both material and labour should be accounted for when calculating the absorption of factory overheads.

Overhead Absorption Rate: Formula, Examples and Guide

The estimated overhead expenses for the period should be determined for group of machines. It gives equal importance to direct material and direct quickbooks undeposited funds account explained labour. If unskilled worker performs the same job, the wages is low. These practices lead to absorption of overhead in different rate.


The overhead rate is expressed as a percentage of the prime cost. Learn about business overhead, including various types of overhead costs, how to calculate them, what an overhead rate is, and different rate formulas. The overhead absorbed in a period will be found out by multiplying overhead rate by total number of units produced for the period.

Step 3: Calculate your overhead absorption rate

Obtain the overhead rate, expressed as a percentage on direct wages, by dividing the factory overhead for a particular period by the direct wages paid during that period and multiplying it by 100. Absorption of the factory overhead occurs based on the number of units manufactured. Dividing the overhead expenses by the number of units of output obtains the overhead rate. By tracking overhead rates over time, businesses can quickly catch increases when they start cutting into margins. To determine the amount to be debited to work in progress account for indirect material, indirect labour and indirect expenses for production. The basis for the absorption of overhead should be reasonable one.

When using a percentage basis, the rate derived is in the form of a percentage, rather than a monetary rate. Total machine hours are used to determine the overhead absorption rate in this method. This is an excellent method for the absorption of overhead costs in industries where much of the work is performed with the help of machines. In the absorption costing, the absorbed overhead can be calculated by using the actual production units or activities (e.g. labor hours) to multiply with the overhead absorption rate.

What is the importance of Overhead Absorption?

Its direct costs (raw materials, manufacturing, design, labor) are $30 per table, yielding a $70 direct profit. However, to get a more holistic measure for the overall costs of running the business, the business should calculate the overhead cost of each unit produced. Try to be sure to include all fixed, variable, and semi-variable overhead costs. Over absorption of overhead means that the absorbed cost of overhead or the absorbed overhead is higher than the cost of overhead that actually incurred for the period. And an over absorption of overhead usually occurs when the budgeted production is higher than the actual production or when the budgeted overhead is lower than the actual overhead. Under this method, the rate is calculated by expressing the overhead cost as a percentage of cost of direct labour for the same period.

What is Under-absorption and Over-absorption of Overheads?

However, companies need to know the overhead absorption rate at the start of the period to determine the cost of the units produced. It requires them to calculate this rate beforehand and estimate both the overheads and units of production. Here, the overhead absorption occurs based on the direct materials consumed. This method expresses the overhead rate as a percentage of the direct material cost.