Short Story

Jahmier was born with Glaucoma he has been going to different doctors but he’s really got any where with it where surgery is concerned and because of this his sight is getting worst .

Fundraiser for 2 year old Jahmier Lynch suffering from congenital glaucoma

by Georgeina Flemmings

  • $10,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $943.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
, Jamaica

Georgeina Flemmings

708 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Jahmier Lynch is a 2-year-old boy from Jamaica who loves to play with his toys, listen to music and cuddle with his mom. He was born with congenital glaucoma, a rare eye condition that causes high pressure in the eyes and can lead to blindness if not treated.

Jahmier needs surgery to save his vision, but his family cannot afford the medical expenses. They live in a rural area with limited access to health care and resources. They need your help to raise $10,000 for Jahmier’s surgery and follow-up care.

Please donate whatever you can to help Jahmier see the world. Every dollar counts and will make a difference in his life. You can also share this fundraiser with your friends and family to spread the word.

Thank you for your generosity and compassion. Together, we can give Jahmier the gift of sight and hope for a brighter future.

Name Donate Amount Date
erika richards $22.20 May 18, 2023
Anonymous $44.10 May 17, 2023
Shellica Davis $11.25 May 17, 2023
Tonae Simpson Whyte $109.80 May 16, 2023
Anonymous $16.73 May 16, 2023
Monifa Patterson $16.73 May 15, 2023
Rolando Thomas $11.25 May 15, 2023
Anonymous $55.05 May 15, 2023
Toniann Evans $44.10 May 15, 2023
Anonymous $33.15 May 15, 2023
Anonymous $55.05 May 15, 2023
Jhonelle Segree $22.20 May 15, 2023
Anonymous $5.78 May 15, 2023
Nikita Austin $55.05 May 15, 2023
Rusheda Trowers $55.05 May 15, 2023
Petra Hamilton $44.10 May 15, 2023
Kemar Johnson $9.06 May 15, 2023
Hannalee Riley $11.25 May 15, 2023
Anonymous $219.30 May 15, 2023
Orville West $55.05 May 14, 2023
Roy Labeach $109.80 May 14, 2023
Tsahai Morgan $33.15 May 08, 2023


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